Friday 18 April 2008


Infidelity has been around for years, the forming of couples was present as far back as the icemen, and "cheating" came hand in hand!!!
Now days search infidelity on google and you get 4,840,000 results with the first page holding an add called "looking for an affair?"
Infidelity is so common Brad did it to Jen and President Cliton cheated with Monica!!! ;)
So is anyone really bothered about it? I've been cheated on myself and its not nice!!!
However does that really stop anyone for doing it back? I think infidelity is closely related to lust, and the thrill of doing something that you shouldn't be doing! I hear that infidelity is natural and we can't help it!!!
Studies using genetic testing shows that even the most apparently devoted of partners often go in search of the sexual company of strangers.
So is it natural or is it a game? If someone cheats on you should you cheat on them back? Or is it once cheater always a cheater!!!
Friends episode where Ross has cheated! Enjoyed!!!!!!

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