Wednesday 30 April 2008

Body Modification

While growing up, my parents always said that tattoos were bad. However all four of my grandparents have tattoos. My Grandad had a naked lady on his arm, and he was very proud of it (bless).
Tattoos can range from every shape and size imaginable as long as it can fit on the human body. The process of getting a tattoo can be quite painful, as you have your skin pricked many times and injected with ink to form whatever image you want it to. The decision to get a tattoo however is not something to take lightly, but I can't wait to get one!!!
The practice of tattooing has been around for as long as mankind. People have considered tattooing as a vulgar act and a way to mark slaves and criminals. Despite these criticisms and opinions on body modification, to some ancient cultures like the “Maori” it is a way of life. They use tattooing as a rite of passage, to tell the person's position in life, his or her rank and parentage, their marriage status, what line of work they were in, and their 'mana' or power bestowed by the gods.
Tattoo's are a art form and will remain popular as they allow people to express themselves freely.


Anju Rani : ) said...

I dont disagree with tattoos but that picture you have on you web-log sure does look soooooooooooooooo painful, why would someone go through that. The picture shows extreme cases of tattooing, it’s a total extremety, but people who have tattoos are making a choice to do so themselves and its up to them, they don’t make society a bad place to live in by doing so. A lot of stereo typed people would argue that the type of people who have tattoos are people who are not of good nature and can be treated diffrentl because of it but they shouldn’t be judged any different if they havent showed any signs of beaing bad people. I agree that that if someone chooses to express themselves freely through body art – as a soceity we should let them be.

On my weblog a Gothic couple were beaten to so badly that one of them had died WHY because they chose to be different – we shouldn’t judge people because they are different, its attitudes of society that make something unacceptable and looked upon as abnormal and surely everyone knows that body modification or dressing like a Goth isn’t a crime it’s a free choice. When that couple walked home that night they would never had imagined it would be fatal for them just because they weren’t normal looking like the rest. What is NORMALITY I think people need to start changing their attitudes otherewise fatal incidents will carry on occuring.

openbook said...

The common saying "anything in excess is dangerous" applies to Tatoos, too!